How the Nulogy Design Ops team releases packages

When we set out to design our release solution, we had several goals in mind:

  • Follow an existing standard
  • Create and release packages based on that standard without human intervention
  • Provide our developers access to code as fast as possible

To accomplish these goals, we used:

  • Semver and Conventional Commits
  • semantic-release
  • Github Actions

Conventional Commits

Conventional Commits is a specification for adding human and machine readable meaning to commit messages. For example, instead of writing added a Datepicker component, following Conventional Commits you’d write feat: added a Datepicker component. A commit can be designated a fix, feature, and/or a breaking change, which will correlate with Semver's patch, minor, and major changes. This allows tooling to be built to automatically version and release packages.


The tooling we’re using is called semantic-release, which “automates the whole package release workflow including:

  • determining the next version number,
  • generating the release notes,
  • and publishing the package.”

After ensuring commit messages are written with Conventional Commits, it’s possible to automatically package and release software through Continous Integration on every merge to master. This ensures your consumers are getting access to changes literally as fast as possible.

To set this up:

Add semantic-release

yarn add semantic-release --dev

Since semantic-release uses git tags and npm to decide on the package version, you'll want to set the version in package.json to something like 0.0.0 to discourage manually updating it.

Add plugins

semantic-release can do a lot of things, so it's made up of opt-in plugins. We'd like it to do everything, so we'll use the following plugins, in order:

These can all be added with:

yarn add --dev @semantic-release/changelog @semantic-release/commit-analyzer
@semantic-release/changelog @semantic-release/git @semantic-release/github

Then tell semantic-release to use them, by adding a .releaserc.json to the root directory with the following:

"plugins": [

Now that it's intsalled, we can run it on CI after our build.

Github Actions

Github Actions is Github’s free Continous Integration service and will allow us to run semantic-release automatically on merge to master.

Add secret key

Generate an NPM secret key from your NPM account settings. Then go to the Settings > Secrets page in Github and add a token called NPM_TOKEN.

Add workflow

Add a file called /.github/workflows/release.yml with the following, replacing the command in the Build step with your relevant build command:

name: Release
- master
name: Release
runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Setup Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v1
node-version: 12
- name: Install dependencies
run: yarn
- name: Build
run: yarn build
- name: Release
NPM_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }}
run: npx semantic-release

That's it. Automated releases with changelogs published on every merge to master with no human intervention.

A test repo of this code can be found at

The Nulogy Design System is maintained by the Design Ops team. Our mission is to help our teams build better interfaces faster. 🚀

Please reach out with any questions or requests.