Designers' Guide

Learn how to start designing using the Nulogy Design System (NDS).

Tools and assets

  • Figma as our design tool for creating high-fidelity mockups, prototyping, version control, and team collaboration.
  • IBM Plex as a Nulogy's sole typeface
  • NDS UI kit as a library of Figma styles and components
  • This website as a component reference guide

Understanding NDS visual language

To be effective at using the Nulogy Design System designers should familiarize themselves with the basics of NDS visual language. The following articles provide a good starting point:

Designing with NDS in Figma

NDS components

In Figma, the NDS components are available under the Assets panel in Left Sidebar. The components are easily drag-and-dropped into the working frame and further customized through Layer and Design panels.

Animation showing how to access NDS components in Figma

Using NDS components in Figma

NDS styles

By using available text, colours, shadows, and grid styles in the Layer panel, designers ensure that their designs stay in line with NDS' visual style.

Animation showing how to use NDS colour, and shadow styles in Figma

Using NDS colour, and shadow styles in Figma

Animation showing how to use NDS text styles in Figma

Using NDS text styles in Figma

Animation showing how to use NDS grid and adjust nudge amount in Figma

Using NDS grid styles and adjusting nudge amount in Figma

Default sreen sizes and Frame component

The NDS Frame component is created to help designers set the working canvas. It comes in different sizes that match breakpoints in NDS. Once imported the Frame component should be detached (Detach Instance) so that other elements can be nested inside.

Animation showing how to access NDS components in Figma

Using NDS Frame component and setting the working canvas

Using version history

To leave a record of changes made throughout the design process and to be able to revert to desired revision designs should be regularelly saved to version history. Version history is available in File menu under Show Version History

Animation showing how to save to version history

Saving version history

Animation showing how to view version history

Viewing version history

The Nulogy Design System is maintained by the Design Ops team. Our mission is to help our teams build better interfaces faster. 🚀

Please reach out with any questions or requests.