🎨 Colour
Colours are used to set a visual tone, communicate meaning, and create a cohesive experience between Nulogy products and the physical environment. We are committed to complying with WCAG AA contrast ratios.
Text & Interactive Colours
These colours are used for text, links and other interactive elements.
Name: black
Hex: #011e38
Usage: The default text colour.
Name: blackBlue
Hex: #122b47
Name: darkBlue
Hex: #00438f
Name: blue
Hex: #216beb
Usage: The default link colour.
Name: lightBlue
Hex: #e1ebfa
UI & Background Colours
These colours are generally used to build out the backgrounds and layers in our user interfaces.
Name: darkGrey
Hex: #434d59
Name: midGrey
Hex: #6c7784
Name: grey
Hex: #c0c8d1
Name: lightGrey
Hex: #e4e7eb
Name: whiteGrey
Hex: #f0f2f5
Name: white
Hex: #ffffff
Contextual colours
For providing meaning. For accessibility reasons, make sure the colour is not the sole way of doing this.
Name: red
Hex: #cc1439
Usage: For dangerous and destructive actions
Name: lightRed
Hex: #fae6ea
Usage: Danger accent colour
Name: green
Hex: #008059
Usage: To communicate success
Name: lightGreen
Hex: #e9f7f2
Usage: Success accent colour
Name: yellow
Hex: #ffbb00
Usage: To warn about something non-destructive
Name: lightYellow
Hex: #fcf5e3
Usage: Warning accent colour
Categorical colours
These are used for charting and other data visualization. See Data Visualization for more information.
Name: aqua
Hex: #19c4e6
Name: purple
Hex: #8033cc
Name: pink
Hex: #e372d0
Name: turquoise
Hex: #55ddb0
Name: orange
Hex: #ee5513
Name: avocado
Hex: #d3d322